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    What is DOOH?


    Marketers today face the constant challenge of grabbing consumers’ attention while keeping the ever-increasing competition at bay. As shopper touchpoints have become seemingly infinite with social media and the internet, traditional methods often lack the capabilities needed to reliably convert them. Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising provides marketers with a new solution to reach and engage their audience. 

    It transforms static billboards and posters into dynamic advertisements that can adapt in real-time. This capability means your ads can change based on the time of day, weather conditions, or even current events, ensuring your message is always relevant. With advanced targeting options, DOOH allows you to reach your audience with pinpoint accuracy, whether they are commuting, shopping, or enjoying a night out.

    In this guide, we will explore how DOOH can upgrade your marketing strategy, and the benefits of moving from traditional to digital out-of-home advertising. For those looking to integrate this advertising channel into their strategy, Adcore offers full-service digital marketing solutions that can help you make the most of DOOH. Let’s talk about how DOOH can transform your advertising approach and help you reach your marketing goals.

    Table of Contents

    The Evolution of DOOH

    Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has been a staple in the marketing world for decades. It includes all forms of advertising that reach consumers while they are outside their homes. Traditionally, this has included static billboards, posters, and signs. However, technology has revolutionized this space, giving rise to Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising. DOOH combines the broad reach and high visibility of traditional OOH with the flexibility, precision, and engagement potential of digital media.

    The dynamic nature of DOOH allows advertisers to create more engaging and interactive experiences for their audiences. For instance, a digital billboard can display different ads based on the time of day or whether it’s sunny or rainy. This flexibility enables brands to deliver more relevant and timely messages, enhancing their overall impact and effectiveness.

    Importance of DOOH in Modern Marketing

    DOOH provides a solution to capturing and maintaining consumer attention by reaching consumers in the real world as they go about their daily lives. This form of advertising is particularly effective in high-traffic areas where it can achieve maximum visibility and impact. Moreover, the ability to update and change content in real time means that DOOH campaigns can be more responsive and adaptive to current events, trends, and consumer behaviors.

    As David Ogilvy, founder of Ogilvy & Mather, said, “You aren’t advertising to a standing army; you are advertising to a moving parade.” This highlights the dynamic nature of modern advertising and the need for marketers to reach audiences in various environments and contexts. DOOH equips marketers with the tools to do so.

    Furthermore, advancements in programmatic advertising technologies have made it easier to plan, execute, and measure DOOH campaigns. This has led to increased investment in this space, with more brands recognizing the value and potential of DOOH as a critical component of their omnichannel marketing strategies.

    In summary, DOOH advertising offers a powerful combination of reach, flexibility, and engagement that makes it an essential tool in the modern marketer’s toolkit. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the various aspects of DOOH advertising, from its evolution and key locations to its targeting capabilities, creative strategies, and measurement techniques.

    Visit this guide to see how you can integrate programmatic advertising into your DOOH campaign: Programmatic Advertising: Everything You Need to Know

    From Traditional to Digital Out-of-Home Signage

    Traditional OOH Advertising

    Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has been a cornerstone of marketing for decades, providing brands with a cost-effective way to reach a broad audience. Traditional OOH formats include static billboards, posters, transit ads, and street furniture. These static displays have several advantages:

    • High Visibility: Placed in high-traffic areas, they reach a large number of people daily.
    • Cost-Effective: Generally, traditional OOH has a lower cost per impression compared to other advertising formats.
    • Brand Awareness: Continuous exposure helps in building and maintaining brand awareness.

    However, traditional OOH also has its limitations:

    • Lack of Flexibility: Static ads cannot be changed easily or quickly.
    • Limited Targeting: Traditional OOH cannot tailor messages to specific audiences or times.
    • Measurement Challenges: It’s difficult to accurately measure the impact and ROI of static OOH ads.

    According to mid-2024 forecasts, global outdoor advertising revenue is expected to reach 49.7 billion U.S. dollars, with 29.3 billion (59 percent) from traditional OOH media and 20.4 billion (41 percent) from DOOH.

    Transition to DOOH

    Advances in technology have transformed the OOH landscape, leading to the rise of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising. DOOH retains the benefits of traditional OOH while addressing many of its limitations. Here’s how:

    • Dynamic Content: DOOH can display videos, animations, and real-time updates, making ads more engaging.
    • Flexibility: Ads can be changed quickly based on time, location, weather, or other factors.
    • Targeting Capabilities: Advanced targeting options allow for more precise audience segmentation.
    • Measurable Impact: Enhanced analytics and data integration make it easier to measure and optimize campaign performance.

    Benefits of DOOH Over Traditional OOH

    1. Enhanced Engagement: The use of dynamic content and interactive elements makes DOOH ads more effective.
    2. Real-Time Updates: Advertisers can update content in real-time, ensuring relevance and timeliness.
    3. Targeted Advertising: DOOH enables precise targeting based on various parameters, enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns.
    4. Better ROI: Improved measurement capabilities allow for better tracking of performance and ROI.


    While traditional OOH advertising still holds value, the transition to DOOH offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility, engagement, and measurement. As technology continues to evolve, DOOH will likely become an increasingly important component of the advertising landscape.

    Choosing DOOH

    Targeting Capabilities in DOOH

    One of the standout features of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising is its sophisticated targeting capabilities. Unlike traditional out-of-home advertising, which broadcasts the same message to everyone, DOOH allows for precise targeting based on various parameters. This ability to deliver tailored content increases the relevance and effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Below we explore the primary targeting strategies used in DOOH advertising.


    Dayparting refers to the practice of dividing the day into segments and tailoring content to fit the specific time of day. This strategy leverages time-based data to display the most relevant ads to the audience. For example, a coffee shop might promote breakfast items in the morning and desserts in the evening.

    Benefits of Dayparting

    • Increased Relevance: Ads are more likely to resonate with the audience when they are contextually appropriate.
    • Enhanced Engagement: Time-specific ads can capture the audience’s attention more effectively.
    • Improved ROI: By delivering ads when they are most likely to be effective, advertisers can maximize their return on investment.


    Geotargeting allows advertisers to deliver content based on the geographic location of the digital screen. This can be particularly useful for businesses looking to attract local customers or promote location-specific offers. By using geolocation data, ads can be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the local audience.

    Benefits of Geotargeting

    • Local Relevance: Ads are customized to the local context, making them more relevant to the audience.
    • Higher Engagement: Locally targeted ads are more likely to capture the attention of the audience.
    • Effective Promotion: Geotargeting can drive foot traffic to local businesses by promoting nearby stores or events.


    Point of Interest (POI) Targeting

    Point of Interest (POI) targeting involves delivering ads around specific locations that are relevant to the target audience. This strategy can be used to capture the attention of consumers in areas where they are likely to be receptive to specific messages. For instance, ads for sports equipment might be placed around a sports stadium.

    Benefits of POI Targeting

    • Contextual Relevance: Ads are placed in locations where they are most likely to be seen by the target audience.
    • Higher Conversion Rates: By targeting consumers in relevant locations, advertisers can increase the likelihood of conversions.

    Strategic Placement: POI targeting ensures that ads are seen by consumers who are in the right mindset to engage with the message.

    The advanced targeting capabilities of DOOH allow advertisers to deliver highly relevant and personalized content to their audiences. By leveraging strategies like dayparting, geotargeting, and POI targeting, brands can enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns and achieve better results.

    DOOH Table


    Digital Out of Home Advertising offers brands a dynamic way to engage large audiences, and tailor their messaging consistently. Being able to send out real-time updates and personalized messages gives marketers a better way to grab consumers’ attention. On a weekend morning an electronic billboard shows families ads for the zoo and then markets beer to concert goers in the evening. The possibilities are endless. 

    What are the pain points in your current marketing strategy? 

    Perhaps you struggle with measuring the impact of your campaigns, or  keeping your content fresh and engaging. DOOH solves these problems and offers the flexibility to adapt your message based on measurable data. It transforms static advertisements into engaging content that your audience can interact with.

    At Adcore, we understand the power and potential of DOOH advertising. Our full-service digital marketing solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing strategies, enhancing your ability to connect with your audience wherever they are. Whether you are looking to boost brand awareness, drive foot traffic, or increase conversions, our expertise in DOOH and other digital marketing services can help you achieve your goals.

    Take the next step in elevating your marketing strategy. Contact Adcore today to discover how our comprehensive marketing services can transform your advertising efforts and deliver tangible results. Let’s work together to harness the power of DOOH and create campaigns that convert. 


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