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    Microsoft Announces New Multi-Platform Feature

    Ad PlatformsMarketingMarketing NewsMicrosoft Ads

    Microsoft is back at it again, this time with a new feature called “Multi-Platform.” This unique element will allow users to run ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram all through the Microsoft interface.

    Consumers require 6-8 touches before making a purchase, but 70% of them will drop off before that. Microsoft’s new Multi-Platform feature will help ensure your ads are seen by potential customers on multiple channels, giving you the best chance to convert them into paying customers.

    Microsoft multi-platform development is big news for marketers who have been struggling to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of paid advertising. With multi-channel advertising, you’ll be able to expand your reach and enhance your campaigns all in one place, all while saving time and money.

    The feature isn’t available to all advertisers yet, but you can sign up for the waitlist here. Microsoft has been on a roll lately with their newly redesigned Smart Campaigns experience, and it looks like they’re continuing to innovate and take charge in the world of advertising.

    We at Adcore are excited to see what the future holds for Multi-platform and how it will change the landscape of paid advertising. Change is the only constant in this industry, and we aim to be at the forefront of it, helping our clients adapt and succeed.

    If you’re ready to take your paid advertising to the next level, read on. We’ll give you an inside look at how Multi-platform works and what it can do for your business.

    Table Of Contents

    What is Multi-Channel Paid Advertising?

    Multi-channel paid advertising is the process of running ads across multiple channels, with each channel having its own purpose and audience. For example, you might run a Facebook ad to generate awareness for your brand while also running a Google ad to drive traffic to your website.

    The key to success with multi-channel paid advertising is understanding how each channel works and which channels are best for your business goals. Most importantly, you need to have a plan for how your campaigns will work together to create a cohesive customer journey.

    In today’s digital world, there are a variety of paid advertising channels to choose from. The most popular platforms include Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. As a Microsoft advertiser, you now have the added benefit of running your ads on all three platforms through the Microsoft interface.

    Multi-channel advertising doesn’t just stop at paid ads. You can also use multi-channel marketing to create a cohesive consumer journey across all touchpoints, including your website, email list, social media channels, and more.

    Why Multi-Channel Advertising?

    Customers who use more than one channel typically spend 15-30% more. Again, this emphasizes the importance of repetition and multi-channel strategies’ ability to provide multiple outlets for your message without being bothersome or invasive. That, in turn, means more conversions and ROI for your business.

    The undeniably growing trend is that customers want a seamless, cohesive experience with the brands they interact with. They don’t want to be sold to; they want to be communicated with in a way that feels natural and human.

    Multi-channel advertising allows you to do just that. By understanding how each channel works and using them together, you can create an advertising strategy that feels natural to your customers and helps you achieve your business goals.

    Think about it this way: if someone sees your ad on Facebook, they might not be ready to buy right then and there. But if they see your ad again on Instagram a few days later, they might start to become more interested. And if they see your ad for a third time on Google, they might finally be ready to make a purchase.

    It’s all about creating a connected journey that leads your customers down the path to conversion. And with Microsoft’s new Multi-platform feature, you can do just that.

    We believe that Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature has the potential to truly be a game-changer in the world of online advertising. It’s a powerful and exciting tool that wasn’t available before, and we can’t wait to see how businesses use it to reach new heights.

    Multi-Channel Social Media Management

    Social media is a crucial part of any multi-channel advertising strategy. After all, that’s where your customers spend most of their time online. But managing multiple social media accounts can be time-consuming and challenging to keep up with. It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel and give up on social media altogether.

    Fortunately, Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature includes social media management tools to help you save time and stay organized. With this feature, you can:

    • Run search ads
    • Run social ads
    • Interact with customers on social media
    • Analyze reports
    • Create campaigns quickly
    • Automate ad content
    • Optimize your ROI with AI
    • Leverage AI-powered campaign management
    • Connect your ads with relevant searches
    • Zero in on your target audience

    We will take a deeper dive into each of these social media management tools in the next section, but for now, let’s just say there will be a lot more Microsoft in your social media strategy from here on out.

    With all of these components at your disposal, you can stay on top of your social media accounts with ease while ensuring that your ads are reaching the right people. There’s even a consolidated inbox for all of your messages from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn so you can quickly and efficiently respond to comments, questions, and concerns.

    The reports page is also a valuable asset, as it provides insights into your audience, engagement, and conversions. This 360-degree view of your campaign data can help you fine-tune your strategy for even better results. What more could you ask for?

    How Microsoft Multi-Platform Works

    Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature is available in Smart Campaigns, which are Microsoft’s AI-powered campaigns that make it easy to create and manage your ad campaigns.

    Technically, multi-channel advertising has existed since 2020, but Microsoft’s newly designed Smart Campaigns experience has been revamped for use with AI. This means that Multi-platform is now easier to use than ever before.

    When it launches later this year, Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature will allow you to:

    • Run search ads. Create, launch, and manage search ad campaigns on Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads.
    • Run social ads. Create social advertisements on Facebook and Instagram.
    • Interact with customers on social media. Regularly publish content, like other people’s posts, and reply to comments. This goes for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • Analyze reports. Enjoy a centralized dashboard that displays all of your important performance indicators in one place.
    • Create campaigns quickly. Set your marketing goals to improve online visits, in-person visits, or phone calls to your business.
    • Automate ad content. Construct a couple of ads, then sit back and let Microsoft’s AI create additional ones for you to optimize your campaign execution.
    • Optimize your ROI with AI. Your budget will be divided among channels to get the most out of your money. Note that these predictions are based on past performance and may not accurately reflect future outcomes.
    • Leverage AI-powered campaign management. After setting your budget, targeting, and advertising goals, Microsoft’s AI system will help with the rest of the ads. There is no keyword or bid management necessary!
    • Connect your ads with relevant searches. Keyword themes are phrases or words that may be used to match your advertising with online searches; search terms are the results produced by potential customers when they use a search engine to locate a product or service. Keyword themes that are relevant to your business can help you reach consumers who are searching for you. The right search phrases may help your customers discover you on the internet.

    Zero in on your target audience. Your target audience is key to a successful search advertising campaign. You can target your ads to specific criteria, such as age, gender, or location. This determines which consumers may see your advertisements. This implies that your advertising will be displayed to people who are more likely to buy what you’re offering.

    What We Know So Far

    Aside from everything we already mentioned, Microsoft has been pretty tight-lipped about their newest feature. However, we do know that it will be available later this year, and from what we can tell, it will be an incredible asset for businesses of all sizes.

    Smart Campaigns and Multi-platform will unite to bring you the best of everything Microsoft Advertising has to offer, and we can’t wait to see the results. With a robust suite of social media management tools, a centralized reporting dashboard, and the ability to automate your ad content, Microsoft’s Multi-platform is sure to make a splash in the world of online advertising.

    And the best part of it all? You don’t need to pay to use Microsoft’s Multi-platform. It will be available to all Microsoft Advertising customers at no additional cost -all you have to do is cover your ad spend!

    It’s clear that Microsoft is committed to helping businesses succeed, and we’re excited to see what the future holds for Microsoft Advertising.

    How To Get Started

    As we mentioned, Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature isn’t available just yet. However, you can get started with Microsoft Advertising today!

    If you’re not already using Microsoft Advertising, sign up for an account here. Once you’ve created your account, you can begin creating your first campaign.

    Not sure where to start? Check out our Microsoft Ad blog posts on basics and best practices. We love helping businesses grow with Microsoft Advertising, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us! We’re always happy to help.

    In the meantime, you can participate in Microsoft’s pilot launch of multi-platform by filling out this short questionnaire. As soon as Microsoft is ready to launch the feature, you will be one of the first to use and experience it!

    Up to 40 participants may also be eligible for a sweet $500 credit from Microsoft Ads in order to test out the feature. So if you’re interested in getting your hands on Microsoft’s newest tool, make sure to sign up soon!

    Adcore’s Take 

    Here at Adcore, we’re Microsoft Advertising Experts. We eat, sleep, and breathe Microsoft Ads, and we’re passionate about helping businesses grow and succeed with the platform.

    We believe that Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature has the potential to truly be a game-changer in the world of online advertising. It’s a powerful and exciting tool that wasn’t available before, and we can’t wait to see how businesses use it to reach new heights.

    If you’re interested in Microsoft Advertising but not sure where to start, or if you’re already using Microsoft Ads but want to learn more about how to get the most out of the platform, we can help! We know that Microsoft Advertising can be complex, but we’re here to make it easy for you.

    A plan is critical for success with Microsoft Advertising, and we’re experts at developing holistic and effective Microsoft Advertising plans. We’ll work with you to create a plan that’s tailored specifically for your business goals, and we’ll help you every step of the way to make sure that you’re successful.

    If you’re ready to get started with Microsoft Advertising, or if you just want to learn more about what Microsoft’s Multi-platform feature can do for your business, contact us today! We can’t wait to help you take your Microsoft Advertising to the next level.

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e.child.stateNode;default:return e.child.stateNode}}function Ro(e,t){e=e.memoizedState,null!==e&&null!==e.dehydrated&&e.retryTime