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    Google Shopping in 2025

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    9 New Features with Google Shopping 

    Ah, shopping. It’s the perfect way to spend a day, whether you’re looking for a new outfit, the latest gadgets, or just some good old-fashioned retail therapy. But let’s be honest – it can also be a bit of a hassle, especially if you’re not sure what you’re looking for.

    That’s why we’re so excited about the new Google Shopping features that were just announced at the Search On event! These nine new features are designed to make your shopping experience more immersive, informative, and personalized. And they’re powered by the Shopping Graph, Google’s AI-enhanced model that now comprehends more than 35 billion product listings.

    Exploring your options, discovering new styles and trends, and researching to ensure you’re getting the right product at the right price has never been easier – or more fun! So without further ado, here are the nine new Google Shopping features you need to know about.

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    #1 All You Need Is The Word “Shop”

    Visuals are everything when it comes to shopping, which is why the new Google Shopping experience starts with a visual feed of products related to your search. 

    Just type in the word “shop” followed by an item you’re on the lookout for, and you’ll see a curated selection of products, research tools, and nearby inventory. This is the perfect way to start your shopping journey, whether you’re looking for inspiration or knowing exactly what you want.

    With the Google Search On+ update, users are no longer limited to shopping for apparel. Now, you can shop for electronics, beauty products, and more – all from the comfort of your own home.

    #2 Like The Look? Shop The Look.

    Assembling the perfect outfit (or the perfect home) is about mixing and matching different pieces until you find the perfect combination. Google Shopping makes it easy to do just that with the new “Shop the Look” feature.

    This visual search tool lets you shop for specific items or browse through looks put together by fashion experts. And if you see something you like, you can easily add the entire look – or individual items – to your shopping cart. It’s the perfect way to find new style inspiration, and it makes shopping for clothes more fun than ever.

    #3 Keeping Up With The Trends. 

    When it comes to fashion, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. But with so many different trends out there, it can be hard to keep track of them all. Thankfully, Google Shopping has you covered with the new “Trending Products” feature.

    This feature shows you popular products within a category, so you can easily discover the latest styles and brands. No longer will you have to worry about being the last person to know about a new trend – with Google Shopping, you can be the trendsetter.

    #4 Shop in 3D

    3D shopping was once a thing of the future, but now it’s a reality with Google Shopping. With this new feature, you can view products in 3D to get a better sense of their size, shape, and texture. This is especially helpful when shopping for things like clothes and shoes, as you can see how they look in real life before you buy.

    3D shopping is also great for getting a feel for how a product will look in your home. So if you’re considering a new piece of furniture, you can see how it fits within your space before you buy it. No more guessing – with Google Shopping, you can be sure that the product you’re buying is the right one for you.

    The best part of this feature is that it’s not just limited to marketers who understand how to build 3D models. In fact, Google now offers a new way to build 3D visuals that is more efficient and cost-effective, and it’s super easy to use. All you need is a 2D image of your product, and Google Shopping will do the rest.

    Shopping doesn't have to be a guessing game. You don't have to settle for the first thing you see, and you certainly don't have to overspend.

    Tools To Shop Smarter 

    Shopping doesn’t have to be a guessing game. You don’t have to settle for the first thing you see, and you certainly don’t have to overspend. With Google Shopping, you have all the tools you need to make smart shopping decisions.

    #5. Get Assistance With Tricky Purchases.

    Making big purchases can be daunting. There are so many factors to consider, and it’s often hard to find unbiased information about the products you’re interested in. But with Google Shopping, you can get all the help you need to make complex purchases with confidence.

    The new “Buyer’s Guide” feature provides helpful insights about a product category from a wide range of trusted sources. So whether you’re shopping for a new car or a new fridge, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible information to help you make your decision.

    #6. Get An Outside Opinion With Page Insights. 

    When you’re doing your research on a product, it’s important to get as much information as possible. But with so much information available online, it can be hard to know what to trust. That’s where page insights come in.

    Google Search On+ page insights will give you even more reasons to shop with confidence. This new feature in the Google app brings together helpful context about a webpage you are currently on or a product you are researching. 

    With it, you’ll be able to see things like star ratings, reviews, and even price comparisons – all in one view. And to sweeten the deal, you can opt-in to get price drop updates for the products you’re interested in.

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    #7. Obtain Personalized Products. 

    Personalization is key when it comes to shopping. You want to ensure that you’re seeing products that are relevant to your interests and that you’re getting the best possible deals on them. With Google Shopping, you can easily do both.

    The new “Personalized Products” feature shows you personalized product results based on your shopping habits. So if you’re someone who likes to buy from certain brands or shops often, you’ll see more of those products in your results. This feature also gives you the option to tell Google your preferences directly so that you can be sure that you’re always seeing the most relevant results.

    Don’t worry; if you ever want to turn off personalized results, there’s an easy way to do that too. Just tap the three dots in the top right corner of your product results page and select “Turn off personalized results.” It’s that simple.

    #8. Use Dynamic Shopping Filters. 

    Adapting to change is important in all aspects of life, and that includes shopping. With dynamic filters, Google Shopping will automatically update your filters based on real-time search trends.

    The best way to explain how this works is with an example. Let’s say you’re looking for a new pair of sneakers. You open up Google Shopping and type in “sneakers.” The first thing you’ll see is a list of filters on the left side of the page. These filters are dynamic and will change based on what people are searching for at that moment. So if the popular sneaker styles right now are “low top” and “retro,” those will be the filters that you see.

    This is a great way to ensure you’re always seeing the most popular products, so you can make the best possible purchase decisions. But if you ever want to see more specific results, you can always adjust your filters manually.

    #9. Go Beyond The Search Box With Discover.

    The Google app’s Discover feature is a great way to explore new content you might be interested in. And now, with the addition of shopping content, it’s an even better way to find products you’ll love.

    With Discover, you’ll see suggested styles based on what you and others have been scouring the internet for. Then, Google will provide you with a curated selection of products that match those styles. And if you find something you like, you can use the app’s built-in Lens feature to get more information about it.

    This is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and to find products that you might not have otherwise considered. Forget about the search box – with Discover, you can let Google do the shopping for you.

    Stay Ahead Of The Curve

    As a marketer, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. And with Google Search, that’s easier than ever. With all of the new features and changes that Google is making, you’ll be able to fine-tune your marketing strategy to ensure you’re getting the most out of your campaigns.

    These changes haven’t been released fully but will be in the coming months. And by 2024, Google plans to have us searching, buying, advertising, and living in a whole new way! So don’t wait; start exploring all that Google Search On+ has to offer. And if you’re not sure where to begin, check out the tutorials and resources that Google has made available. With their help, you’ll be able to get the most out of this new update and ensure that your marketing campaigns are a success.

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