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    All The Ways You Can Get Up to $500 in Google Ads Coupons

    Ad PlatformsGoogle Ads

    Interested In Google Ads?

    We have a full section of related topics in the Google Ads section of our blog. In fact, we think that this article will be a great next read:

    → What Are Google Ads Coupons? ⧉

    → What Is Google Ads Promo Code? ⧉

    Marketing strategies have drastically changed in recent years, and Google Ads is one platform driving the growth of the internet, search engines, and social media. Google Ads is a Pay Per Click (PPC) platform that allows business owners or marketing professionals to advertise their products or brands on the internet. 

    On average, there are approximately 5.6 billion Google searches in one day. So, it is obvious why millions of businesses are taking advantage of Google’s marketing platform. This article will cover all the ways you can get a Google Ads Coupon/Promotion and how to use them.

    Couponer - Google Ads Coupons

    Table of Contents

    Why Are Google Ads Important? 

    If you’re an advertiser or business looking to be visible to your customers that search and browse the web, you will want to start capitalizing on this platform with paid ads. Any business new to digital advertising can get the most out of a budget with Google Ads coupons/promotions. 

    But first, what are the advantages of Google Ads? One of the main advantages of the platform is its enormous reach. 

    Whenever you see an advertisement on a company website or a product rank first, second, or third on the Google search results, it is likely due to a Google Ads campaign. Through Google Ads, the company pays to have an ad shown to people that searched related keywords and applicable topics. 

    Here are the main benefits:

    • Reach big audiences for brand awareness
    • Targeting your demographic
    • Fast visibility and results
    • Budget flexibility
    • Easy reporting 
    • Search engine ad rankings

    When you decide to use a Google Ads campaign, it is best to define the goals you are trying to achieve. Are you aiming to increase calls to your business? Direct visitors to your store? Or guide people to your website or specific landing page?

    Types of Google Ads

    There are a variety of google campaign types, such as:

    • A video campaign
    • A search campaign
    • An app campaign
    • A display campaign
    • A shopping campaign

    Who Should Use Google Ads? 

    Every industry is different, but everyone can use an online advertising strategy. More than likely, your competitors are paying to play their way to the top of Google search results. Therefore, every business can benefit from Google Ads, especially in the following industries:

    • Retail
    • Media & Entertainment
    • Education
    • Healthcare & Life Sciences
    • Travel/Lodging/Hospitality
    • Dining/Restaurant industry
    • Finance
    • Real estate
    • Other professional services

    Google Ads Coupon Codes/Promotions

    We all want to find the best deals, so any opportunity to receive discounts is a plus. If you’re ready to spend money on google ads to reach your target audience, there are ways to score promotional codes or coupons for ad credits. Whether existing providers, coupon sites, or Google directly, here are all the ways you can get a Google Ads coupon/promotion.

    1. Website Builder Platforms + Host Sites

    A website builder platform helps you create a website. Usually, they give you a free promo code for Google Ads or upgrades as an incentive when you purchase a paid plan as a new user. Check out these promotions from some of the most popular site builders.


    Businesses in the U.S. that spend $500 in Google Ads may receive a $500 Google Ad coupon.


    If you subscribe and purchase plans above the entry-level combo, you can receive $100 of free Google Ads when you spend $50 or $100 credits for Local Listings and Microsoft Ads. 


    New Google advertising clients receive a USD 100 ad credit after spending USD 25 or more on a Smart Shopping campaign.


    Weebly is a user-friendly online store builder that allows users to create a website without any coding experience. New Google Ads Users get a $100 Google AdWords coupon credit on $25 of spend. 

    GoDaddy (Host Site)

    When signing up for eligible GoDaddy services, new users can receive a complimentary AdWords promotion code, typically $100-$150. To use your AdWords promotion code, you activate it first and then follow the procedure for redemption.

    HostGator (Host Site)

    HostGator is a leading web hosting service that offers a range of convenient tools, including a website builder. Once you sign up for an applicable paid account, you can expand your reach with a $100 Google Ads promo code credit. Available only for new Google Ads users. 

    Bluehost (Host Site)

    Bluehost is another popular web hosting service. For those looking to find some fantastic promotions, you’ll appreciate receiving advertising credit as one of their many offers. When new Google Ads customers spend at least $25 in advertising credits, you can earn $100 in additional advertising credit. 


    Promotional offers have proven to be a win-win advertising service for both Google and new customers looking to advertise their business or service.

    2. Coupon Sites 

    Another easy way to find google promotional codes is to look for ready-to-use promos through various coupon websites. Although Google Ads coupons often expire on coupon sites, it’s worth perusing, especially if you get lucky! Check out these sites to follow:


    Coupon follow has a special algorithm that scours the internet multiple times for the best online promo codes possible to save you money.


    RetailMeNot is a go-to site for discovering amazing coupons and saving money with retailers, brands, and restaurants. It’s worth periodically checking this coupon site for google ad promo codes. is a free website and app that offers thousands of coupons, deals, and cash-back offers. They are constantly updating their site so users can take advantage of promos like Google Ads coupon codes. However, this offer is typically available on a short-term basis during select times of the year, like the holidays, so check the site regularly. 


    For a streamlined and efficient way to find and use Google Ads promo codes, check out Couponer. This service provides easy access to Google Ads credits, worth up to $400. This is great for both new and seasoned marketers who advertise on Google. Couponer streamlines the process of getting coupons you are eligible for, ensuring you can maximize your advertising efforts.

    3. Directly from Google 

    Go directly to the source! Google is the ultimate way to receive Ad credits. To help you get started, they offer free ad credits to new users and periodically to existing users. If you want personalized support, you can create a custom ad plan with a Google Ads expert.

    To get started, you need to sign up for a Google Analytics account as a new user, and you will most likely see a coupon pop-up on the home page. You may find offers like $100 for US and Canada users when you spend $50. Or, during seasonal holidays like Christmas and New Year,  promotional offers with $500 in free ad credit when you spend $500 or more. 

    4. Google Ad Partners  (180 words)

    When users create a new campaign, the Google Ads platform will ask if they want to use one of their official ad partners. This option allows advertising agencies to manage Google Ads accounts on behalf of a business. As a result, you (the client) can also get a Google Ads promo code for using one of their partners, whether a digital marketing company, affiliate, or ad network.

    5. Credit Card Companies

    In addition to special welcome offers, several credit card companies give customers additional incentives, including the perk of advertising your business on Google Ads.

    For example, the Chase Ink Preferred card offers generous rewards for online ad purchases from businesses that purchase ads regularly through Facebook or Google. Customers can take advantage of earning 3x rewards on the first $150,000 spent on advertising. Similarly, the AMEX Gold card offers 4x rewards for your first $150,000 spent on advertising if you meet certain terms and conditions. 

    6. Grants/Non-Profit Groups

    Perhaps you’ve heard the saying “charity starts at home,” but it also applies to advertising! Did you know that Google Ads has a grant program for registered non-profits? Google is on a mission to help these programs advertise for good deeds, whether raising awareness, recruiting volunteers, or enticing donors. Each qualifying non-profit has access to up to $10,000 in ad credits. 

    You can get started with three easy steps: 

    1. Apply on Google 
    2. Activate the Ad Grant
    3. Launch the Campaign 

    If you need in-depth help applying, Google provides a step-by-step video guide to understand the application process from beginning to end. Do you think you qualify? Some eligibility requirements apply. Check out Google Ad Grants to see if your non-profit organization or small to medium-size business qualifies for free Google advertising credits. 

    Couponer - Google Ads Coupons

    How To Use Promotional Codes Step-By-Step

    You can redeem a credit that applies to your Google Ads account by taking the following steps:

    1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
    2. Go to “Billing,” to select the tools icon, then choose Promotions. 
    3. Click the blue plus (+) button
    4. Enter your promo code
    5. Click Save 

    Main Takeaways 

    Google’s promotional offers provide an excellent opportunity for new advertisers to explore digital marketing with minimal initial investment. These offers allow you to experiment with Google Ads and refine your approach before committing a larger budget. Typically, to benefit from these promotions, you must meet certain criteria, such as opening a new advertising account, which is intended to encourage growth among new users.

    Millions of businesses utilize Google Ads promotions to enhance their online visibility and engagement effectively. If you’re new to Google Ads, platforms like Couponer can provide a major kickstart to your marketing efforts. 

    We have more to offer!

    For more information about Google Ads, consider reaching out to our incredible Elite team for a range of marketing services and checking out all of our Adcore Marketing Cloud Apps.

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e.child.stateNode;default:return e.child.stateNode}}function Ro(e,t){e=e.memoizedState,null!==e&&null!==e.dehydrated&&e.retryTime