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    “I fell in love with marketing as the intersection of creativity, technology, and consumer behavior”: Meet Adcore’s New Head of Digital Marketing

    AdcoreCareerPeople in Marketing

    Meet Noy, Adcore’s new Head of Digital Marketing. With a background in digital communication and a talent for turning challenges into opportunities, Noy is ready to bring fresh ideas and energy to the team. Passionate about innovation and driven by results, she’s excited to lead the charge at Adcore. Join us as she shares her insights on the secrets of digital marketing, her vision for Adcore’s future growth, and her unique approach to fostering leadership and creativity in the workplace.

    How did you start out in marketing? What interested you most about the field?

    My journey into marketing began during my college years at Ben Gurion University, where I pursued a BA in mass communication and political science. As part of my extracurricular activities, I volunteered as a social media manager for the LGBTQ student association to gain practical experience in digital communication. During this time, I encountered a challenge – despite my efforts, our social media posts weren’t gaining the desired traction. This made me realize how much there was to learn about digital marketing.

    Seeing the gap between our content efforts and their reach, I decided to research and understand how to achieve better results. This process introduced me to the world of digital advertising, particularly Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. The idea that strategic targeting and data-driven campaigns could significantly amplify our message fascinated me. From there, I fell in love with marketing as the intersection of creativity, technology, and consumer behavior.

    What intrigued me most about marketing was its dynamic nature – the constant need to adapt strategies to meet evolving consumer demands and technological advancements. It’s a field where you’re always learning and innovating, which resonated with my curiosity-driven personality.


    What first drew you to Adcore and what are your primary goals for the first six months in your new role?

    What initially drew me to Adcore was its reputation for innovation and its commitment to leveraging technology to optimize advertising campaigns. I was really impressed by its forward-thinking approach and track record of helping businesses achieve tangible results.

    My primary goal for the first six months is to fully immerse myself in the company culture and its products and services. I want to develop a deeper understanding of our clients’ needs and challenges to better identify areas for growth and optimization within our digital marketing strategies.


    How do you plan to bring innovation to Adcore’s digital marketing strategies?

    Final Thoughts

    Bringing innovation to Adcore’s digital marketing strategies is a top priority for me. One of the key areas I’ll focus on is the integration of AI and machine learning into our advertising efforts. These technologies have the power to revolutionize how we target, personalize, and optimize campaigns in real-time. The predictive capabilities of AI can anticipate consumer behavior, optimize bidding strategies, and deliver hyper-targeted ads.

    I really want to foster a culture of experimentation and creativity within the team, where new ideas are welcomed and encouraged. Whether it’s exploring emerging platforms, experimenting with innovative ad formats, or pioneering new targeting techniques, I believe that a willingness to embrace change and take calculated risks is essential for driving innovation in digital marketing. Overall, my goal is to position Adcore at the forefront of digital marketing innovation and empower our clients.


    Where do you see Adcore's digital marketing heading in the next few years?

    One of the key trends I anticipate is the continued growth of AI-driven marketing solutions. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, we’ll see increased automation and personalization in advertising campaigns, allowing us to deliver highly targeted and relevant messages to consumers across multiple channels.

    I believe there will be a greater emphasis on omnichannel marketing strategies, as consumers increasingly expect seamless experiences across online and offline touchpoints. Adcore will continue to develop integrated solutions that enable our clients to engage with their audience wherever they are, delivering cohesive and consistent brand experiences that drive engagement and loyalty.

    Given the current climate, I foresee a growing importance placed on sustainability and ethical marketing practices. As consumers become more conscious of environmental and social issues, brands will need to adapt their messaging and practices accordingly. I would love to see Adcore lead the way in promoting transparency, authenticity, and responsible advertising practices.

    I am confident that Adcore will continue to be a driving force in the digital marketing landscape.


    Can you describe your leadership style and how it influences your approach to digital marketing?

    Overall, my leadership style is about empowering my team as much as possible. I focus on delivering exceptional results for our clients while also encouraging personal and professional growth within the team. It’s important to me that my team feels there is a culture of transparency and open communication, where everyone feels welcome to share ideas and feedback.

    I believe in providing team members with the autonomy and support they need to excel in their roles, while also encouraging open communication and collaboration across departments. I’d love to create a culture of experimentation and innovation within the team. I believe that taking calculated risks and embracing new ideas is essential for staying ahead in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. I encourage team members to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what’s possible.


    Which of Adcore’s digital marketing solutions do you favor and why?

    As a performance marketing enthusiast, I have a particular preference for Feeditor among Adcore’s array of digital marketing solutions.

    Feeditor is an incredibly sophisticated tool with advanced feed optimization capabilities and AI-driven text enrichment. The inclusion of a feed health check feature makes it user-friendly while offering actionable insights to maximize product visibility and campaign effectiveness. Its versatility truly makes it a standout choice for businesses seeking to excel in the online marketing space.


    Final Thoughts

    With Noy leading Adcore’s digital marketing team, the company is set for growth and innovation. We’re excited to see how her leadership will shape the future of Adcore’s digital marketing efforts.

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