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    Adcore Asks the Experts: With Ashira

    AdcoreAdcore Asks the Experts

    Thinking big and marketing from the inside out: meet the CHRO turning potential into performance in individuals and businesses. 

    Ashira Lapin-Gobrin, often referred to as the “Alchemist of Organizations,” is a distinguished leader celebrated for her innovative approach in turning potential into performance. With over 25 years of experience spearheading rapid growth in technology companies, Ashira has successfully led two companies from modest beginnings to multi million dollar revenues.

    A recipient of the prestigious HRPA Woman of Distinction award in 2021, Ashira’s career is marked by her ability to craft award-winning team cultures and drive exponential organizational growth. Her unique blend of a results-oriented performance style with visionary strategies ensures that the enterprises she leads not only envision success but achieve it. 

    Join us in hearing her insights on the symbiotic relationship between marketing and HR, and explore how internal culture can create thriving businesses.

    What would you say is the intersection between marketing and HR?

    The intersection between marketing and HR is most evident in the concept of employer branding, where both departments work together to create and promote a cohesive and compelling company image. Corporate culture should be consistently communicated and lived internally through policies, practices, and everyday interactions. This can be achieved by integrating the company’s core values into all aspects of HR, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee development programs. When employees experience and embody the company’s values firsthand, it fosters engagement and loyalty, ensuring they act as true ambassadors of the brand.

    Externally, corporate culture is reflected in the brand experience conveyed through marketing campaigns, customer interactions, and brand messaging. When a company’s values are clearly defined and consistently communicated, they guide employee behavior and decision-making, aligning internal actions with external perceptions. This alignment is crucial for building credibility and trust. Customers who perceive a genuine match between a company’s internal culture and its external brand are more likely to develop a strong, loyal connection to the brand. By collaborating effectively, HR and marketing ensure that the company’s values and mission are authentically represented, creating a unified and powerful brand presence.

    How does corporate culture reflect on brand values?

    Corporate culture is a critical component of a company’s brand values. A strong, positive corporate culture promotes employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity, which in turn reflects on the brand. For instance, a company known for innovation and creativity should foster a work environment that encourages these traits. When employees genuinely embody the company’s values, this authenticity shines through in customer interactions and marketing efforts, thereby reinforcing the brand’s promise and reputation.

    One example of a company that excels in aligning corporate culture with brand values is Patagonia. Known for its commitment to environmental sustainability, Patagonia integrates this value into every aspect of its operations. Internally, the company promotes a culture of environmental responsibility, offering employees opportunities to engage in conservation efforts and sustainability projects. Externally, Patagonia’s marketing campaigns consistently highlight its dedication to environmental causes, from using recycled materials in its products to supporting grassroots environmental movements. This alignment ensures that both employees and customers see Patagonia as a genuinely purpose-driven brand, enhancing its credibility and loyalty.

    Another exemplary company is Google, which is renowned for its culture of innovation and employee empowerment. Internally, Google fosters a collaborative and creative work environment, providing employees with the freedom to pursue innovative projects and ideas through initiatives like the “20% time” policy, where employees can spend 20% of their time on projects they are passionate about. Externally, this culture of innovation is reflected in Google’s brand image as a leader in technological advancements and creative solutions. By ensuring that its internal practices align with its external brand promise, Google successfully maintains its reputation as an innovative and forward-thinking company.

    What role does internal communication play in supporting marketing goals?


    Internal communication plays a pivotal role in aligning employees with the company’s marketing goals. It ensures that all employees are aware of the brand’s values, mission, and marketing campaigns, enabling them to act as brand ambassadors. Effective internal communication fosters a sense of unity and purpose, making it easier for employees to deliver a consistent customer experience that aligns with marketing messages. Regular updates, training sessions, and open forums can help keep everyone informed and engaged with the company’s marketing strategies.

    During transitions, transformations, and challenging moments, the importance of internal communication becomes even more pronounced. Clear, transparent, and timely communication helps to manage uncertainty and maintain employee trust. By keeping employees informed about changes, the reasons behind them, and how they will impact their roles and the company as a whole, organizations can reduce anxiety and resistance. Open channels for feedback and discussion also empower employees to voice concerns and contribute ideas, fostering a collaborative approach to overcoming challenges. This level of engagement ensures that employees remain aligned with the company’s goals and committed to delivering the brand promise, even in the face of adversity.

    What role does HR play in shaping a company’s brand and public image?


    HR significantly influences a company’s brand and public image by shaping its culture and ensuring that the company’s values are reflected in its people practices. Recruitment, onboarding, employee development, and performance management practices all contribute to building a strong employer brand. When a company is known for treating its employees well, offering growth opportunities, and maintaining a positive work environment, it naturally enhances its public image. Moreover, HR initiatives like corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs can further promote the company’s reputation.

    Employees should live the purpose and values of a company, embodying these principles in their daily work and interactions. This authentic engagement transforms employees into true advocates of the brand, who can share their positive experiences both within their personal networks and on public platforms. When employees genuinely believe in and reflect the company’s mission and values, they provide a consistent and credible representation of the brand to customers, partners, and the wider community. This advocacy not only strengthens the company’s public image but also enhances its ability to attract top talent and loyal customers.

    Ashira Gobrin

    What are the advantages of outsourcing to digital advertising agencies?


    Outsourcing to digital advertising agencies offers several advantages, including access to specialized expertise, advanced tools, and the latest industry insights. These agencies often have a wider perspective on market trends and can provide innovative strategies that in-house teams might not consider. They also offer scalability, allowing companies to ramp up or scale down marketing efforts based on current needs without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time staff. Additionally, outsourcing can be cost-effective, as it eliminates the need for ongoing training and development of an in-house team.

    What advice would you give to smaller companies trying to accelerate growth?


    For smaller companies aiming to accelerate growth, the focus should be on cultivating both the internal and external brand. A strong team, aligned around a shared purpose and values, serves as the backbone for success. When employees are deeply connected to the company’s mission and culture, they are more motivated to work collaboratively, solve problems creatively, and contribute to the company’s growth trajectory. It’s essential to foster an environment where employees feel empowered to innovate, take ownership of their work, and have fun along the way.

    Every interaction, whether with employees or customers, presents an opportunity to reinforce the company’s brand and culture. By prioritizing positive experiences and meaningful engagements, companies can nurture a community of brand ambassadors. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to become passionate advocates for the brand, spreading enthusiasm and loyalty internally and externally. This organic advocacy not only strengthens the company’s reputation but also attracts like-minded talent and loyal customers who resonate with the company’s values and mission. Therefore, investing in building a strong internal culture and fostering genuine connections with customers can be transformative for smaller companies seeking to accelerate growth.

    Final Thoughts


    The interplay between HR and marketing is more than just strategic – it’s integral to cultivating a strong corporate identity. Ashira’s insights remind us that a truly successful brand isn’t just about outward appearances; it’s about embodying core values that resonate deeply both internally with employees and externally with customers. Through her commitment to excellence, Ashira continues to inspire and influence the corporate world, proving that the path to sustainable success is paved with purpose, passion, and people-centric practices.

    For more expert advice – check out our previous interview with Shlomo Genchin


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