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    3 Quick Product Feed Edits That Boost Your ROI


    The priority of a business owner is to connect their products with the individuals searching for them online. This connection is fundamentally reliant on the ability to present detailed and accurate product data to search engines and advertising platforms. Without making product feed edits, the products risk online invisibility. Sometimes all that needs to be done is a few quick changes. Here are 3 simple product feed edits that will help boost your ROI.

    Are you new to e-commerce? Visit this guide for a step-by-step guide to creating your Shopify product feed URL.

    Table of Contents

    Product Feed Edits 1: Add Custom Labels

    Custom labels in product feeds are a powerful feature that allows e-commerce businesses to categorize their products beyond the basic attributes provided by Google or other advertising platforms. These labels can be based on a wide range of criteria, from seasonality and profit margins to stock levels and promotional strategies. The strategic use of custom labels enables advertisers to segment their campaigns more effectively, tailoring bids and advertisements to specific product groups for improved performance and ROI.


    Benefits of Using Custom Labels:

    • Enhanced Campaign Management: By grouping products with similar characteristics, you can manage bids more efficiently, focusing your ad spend on high-performing categories.
    • Targeted Promotions: Custom labels make it easier to identify and promote products that are on sale, clearance, or part of a special offer.
    • Inventory Control: They help in managing inventory levels by highlighting products that need to be sold quickly.

    Custom Labels Examples:

    • Group by profitability
    • Group by price range
    • Group by top sellers vs others



    Implementing custom labels on any feed management platform is a critical step towards enhancing your e-commerce strategy. Regardless of the specific tool you’re using, the general process for adding custom labels to your product feed involves a few key steps that are universally applicable. Here’s how you can do it:


    1. Access Your Feed Management System: Log into your chosen feed management platform. This could be anything from an all-in-one e-commerce solution to a specialized feed optimization tool.
    2. Identify Products for Labeling: Determine which products in your feed could benefit from custom labels. Consider categorizing them based on factors like seasonality, profit margins, stock levels, or promotional eligibility.
    3. Create Custom Labels: Navigate to the section of your platform where you can edit or add new attributes to your products. Here, create your custom labels. This might involve adding new fields, selecting options from a dropdown menu, or tagging products with predefined labels.
    4. Apply Labels to Products: Once your custom labels are created, apply them to the appropriate products. This could be done individually for each item or in bulk, depending on the capabilities of your feed management system. Look for features like bulk editing, which can save time when managing large inventories.

    By following these steps, you can effectively implement custom labels in your product feed, regardless of the platform you’re using. This approach ensures that all e-commerce merchants can optimize their feeds for better segmentation, targeting, and ultimately, ROI.

    Product Feed Edits 2: Enrich Options for Optimizations

    Optimizing a product feed extends beyond basic edits and into the realm of enrichment—adding valuable data that enhances the feed’s performance across advertising platforms. Feeditor’s enrich options utilize data from Google Ads, Google Shopping, and Google Merchant Center, among others, to provide recommendations for optimization. This feature can also be used to combine two different feeds using external data. Finally, Feeditor has an AI text enricher to optimize product titles and descriptions. These options are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses looking to improve their product visibility and ad performance based on insightful, data-driven recommendations.


    Key Areas of Enrichment:

    • Product Titles and Descriptions: Enhance with keywords and phrases that potential customers are likely to use, improving search visibility.
    • Google Product Categories: Assign or correct product categories based on Google’s taxonomy, ensuring products appear in the correct search queries.
    • External Data Feed Combination: Merge data from multiple feeds, such as inventory levels and promotional pricing, to create a comprehensive, up-to-date feed.


    • Analyze Your Current Feed: Start by assessing areas where your feed lacks information or could be improved. Feeditor’s insights can help identify these gaps.
    • Utilize Feeditor’s AI Text Enricher: Activate the AI text enricher to automatically generate enhanced titles and descriptions. This tool uses machine learning to optimize your content for search engines and shopping ads.
    • Merge External Feeds: If you’re managing separate feeds for inventory and pricing, Feeditor can combine these into a single, enriched feed. This ensures that your ads reflect current pricing and stock levels.
    • Apply Google Product Category Recommendations: Feeditor can suggest the most appropriate Google product categories for your items. Accurate categorization is critical for appearing in relevant searches.

    By enriching your product feed using Feeditor’s advanced options, you can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of your e-commerce listings, leading to better ad performance and higher ROI.

    Product Feed Edits 3: Feed Health Check

    How to Get Started Today:

    Regular health checks of your product feed are vital to maintaining its optimization and ensuring that it meets both your e-commerce platform’s requirements and those of various advertising channels. A feed health check involves analyzing the feed for common issues such as missing information, incorrect categorization, or outdated pricing and inventory data. By identifying and correcting these issues promptly, you can prevent ad disapprovals, improve product visibility, and ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

    Key Benefits of Feed Health Checks:

    • Prevent Ad Disapprovals: Ensures your feed complies with platform guidelines, avoiding costly interruptions in your advertising campaigns.
    • Enhance Product Visibility: Correcting issues like missing images or descriptions can significantly improve how your products are displayed in search results.
    • Optimize Ad Spend: By keeping your feed healthy and up-to-date, you ensure that your advertising budget is being spent on products that are correctly priced, in stock, and ready to ship.


    Feeditor simplifies the process of conducting feed health checks, providing users with a comprehensive set of tools to analyze and optimize their feeds.

    • Initiate a Feed Health Check: Access your Feeditor dashboard and select the option to conduct a health check on your product feed. Feeditor will automatically scan your feed for a range of potential issues, from missing attributes to incorrect data.
    • Review Health Check Results: Feeditor presents a detailed report of the health check, highlighting issues that need attention. Each issue is categorized by its potential impact on your feed’s performance, allowing you to prioritize fixes.
    • Implement Recommendations: For each identified issue, Feeditor offers recommendations on how to resolve it. These might include adding missing information, correcting data errors, or adjusting product categorizations.
    • Monitor Ongoing Health: Regular health checks should be part of your routine feed management strategy. Set up scheduled checks within Feeditor to ensure ongoing optimization.

    Conducting regular feed health checks with Feeditor not only ensures the technical accuracy of your product feed but also enhances its overall quality, directly contributing to improved ad performance and increased ROI.

    With these three quick product feed edits—adding custom labels, enriching options for optimized recommendations, and conducting regular feed health checks—implemented through Feeditor, e-commerce businesses can achieve a significant boost in their advertising efficiency and return on investment.

    Maximizing ROI with Feeditor

    How to Get Started Today

    By implementing the three product feed quick edits we’ve discussed—adding custom labels, enriching your feed, and conducting regular health checks—you harness the full potential of your product listings. Feeditor is the perfect tool for the job, simplifying complex processes and ensuring that your products are positioned for maximum visibility and conversion.

    The beauty of Feeditor lies in its ability to make complex feed management accessible to all levels of users. Whether you’re a small business owner new to the digital marketplace or a seasoned marketer managing large-scale e-commerce operations, Feeditor offers the flexibility, power, and ease of use to meet your needs.

    Feeditor’s Main Benefits:

    • User-Friendly Interface: Its intuitive design makes feed optimization accessible, eliminating the steep learning curve often associated with such software.
    • Advanced Optimization Tools: From AI-driven text enrichment to comprehensive feed health checks, Feeditor equips you with everything you need to elevate your product feed.
    • Seamless Integration: With support for a wide range of ad platforms and shopping channels, Feeditor ensures your optimized feed reaches your target audience efficiently.

    Incorporating Feeditor into your e-commerce strategy means not just optimizing a product feed, but transforming it into a dynamic asset that actively contributes to your business’s growth and profitability.

    Are you looking for more information about product feeds? Learn about the specific product feed specifications here.


    Optimizing your product feed is a critical step in maximizing the ROI of your e-commerce and advertising efforts. The three quick edits discussed—adding custom labels, enriching your feed, and conducting feed health checks—offer a solid foundation for improving your feed’s performance. With Feeditor, these tasks become not only manageable but also a strategic advantage in the competitive digital marketplace.


    Embrace Feeditor to unlock the full potential of your product feed, ensuring that your products are seen, clicked, and purchased more frequently. By doing so, you’re not just selling products; you’re building a more robust, more profitable e-commerce operation poised for long-term success.

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