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    Top 11 Free Keyword Research Tools for 2025

    Keyword Research

    11 Free Keyword Research Tools To Boost Your SEO Activity

    Keywords are essential for SEO because they perform two critical functions. The first important function is telling a search engine what your content is about. The second important function is providing a searcher with relevant results based on the keywords they searched for. To optimize your strategy, using these 11 free keyword research tools can help you identify high-performing keywords and improve your rankings.

    If your content does not contain keywords, you will not achieve a front-page listing, and this will ultimately cost you valuable traffic. 

    There are so many free keyword research tools available that it might make you feel overwhelmed and unable to decide which one to use. We provided 11 top free keyword research tools available today:

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    13 Best SEO Courses Online ⧉

    Table of Contents


    1. Ahrefs Keyword Generator

    Ahrefs Keyword Generator offers a free keyword search for Google, Bing, YouTube, and Amazon platforms. The search provides helpful information like keyword difficulty, volume for the last 12 months, and the last time Ahref checked search engines for their list of keywords, so you know it is accurate information. 

    Ahref also provides deeper information like long-tail variations and subtopics, which will help you improve your ranking for similar searches. Once you have identified the best possible keywords, you can save them, create a list, and export the list so you can reference these keywords later. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Ahref aims to be your one-stop shop for all things keywords, so if you are looking for information on a particular topic or just looking to improve your keyword and SEO knowledge, they offer research guides with up-to-date information on today’s practices.

    Click here to get started with Ahrefs Keyword Generator for free today.

    2. Keyword Surfer

    Keyword Surfer provides the keyword data you need to improve your ranking performance, contained within the Google search results. This makes finding the data you need easier without using additional tools or time that other keyword searchers require. 

    Keyword Surfer is a Chrome extension that allows you to run keyword searches using Google search results. These search results will provide monthly volumes, CPC, suggestions, metrics, similar terms, and on-page data using only two clicks. The extension will also provide copywriting guidelines using competitor pages. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Are you looking to improve your resume and stand out from other copywriters? Surfer SEO offers two certification programs that will teach you updated copywriting and SEO skills and provide official certifications that you can add to your resume. 

    Then, potential clients will be confident in your ability to provide them with the best possible results for their business.

    Click here to get started with Keyword Surfer for free today.


    3. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

    SEMrush has been trusted by companies like Samsung, IBM, Walmart, Forbes, P&G, Tesla, and Decathlon, so you can trust their keyword research tools. They have won five keyword search awards in 2019, 2020, and 2021. SEMrush’s keyword database comprises 142 geodatabases with over 20 billion keywords. They offer 14 million single keyword ideas using their patented three-step process. 

    The first step of the process is picking a keyword from a list of suggested results. Once you have chosen a keyword, you can dig deeper into the keyword data. 

    SEMrush provides metrics like search volume, word count, keyword difficulty, searcher intent, competitive density, and CPC. After you have found your keyword and reviewed its metrics, you can create an exportable list for ease of use.

    Other Features We Liked

    SEMrush offers additional keyword tools like Keyword Overview, Keyword Manager, and Keyword Gap that provide accurate time information on keywords, changes in SERP, and competitor performance. You can also compare up to five keyword profiles of competitors to find keywords that overlap so you can create super-effective campaigns.

    Click here to get started with SEMRush Keyword Magic Tool for free today. 

    4. Google Ads Keyword Planner

    Google’s goal for its Keyword Planner is to provide a tool that lets you create the best possible search campaign. This is done with a simple three-step process. 

    The first step of the process is creating a keyword plan where you discover new keywords. The second step is understanding the forecast of your keyword. The third step is creating a campaign based on your keyword plan. 

    Going deeper into this three-step process, you will find that Google provides metrics like search volume, average costs, categories, and related suggestions. All of this combines to make Google Ads Keyword Planner one of the most effective keyword tools.

    Other Features We Liked

    Google is the expert in search engine optimization and is not afraid to share this expert knowledge with you. They provide many guides on how to use Keyword Planner efficiently and adapt to changes in your business and search campaigns.

    Click here to get started with Google Ads Keyword Planner for free today.


    5. Ubersuggest

    Ubersuggest provides different types of keywords like related ones, in the form of a question, using prepositions, or keyword comparisons. 

    When you need to dig deeper into the metrics of a keyword, Ubersuggest will provide its search volume, SEO difficulty, CPC, and paid difficulty. It will tell you how many backlinks are required to rank on a search engine’s first page results.

    Ubersuggest has a Chrome extension that directly provides real-time keyword data on the results page of popular search engines like Google, social media platforms like YouTube, and e-commerce sites like Amazon. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Ubersuggest has a feature that allows you to import data from Google Search Console so you can generate PDF reports of your client’s organic traffic if you manage multiple websites. This feature provides your clients with easy-to-see data on their brand’s strengths.

    Click here to get started with Ubersuggest for free today.

    There are so many SEO tools available today that it might make you feel overwhelmed. Here are our 11 top free keyword research tools.

    keywords everywhere

    6. Keywords Everywhere

    Keywords Everywhere is a browser add-on that provides all the keyword metrics and analysis you need. It is currently available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. 

    This extension pulls keyword data from search engines like Google and Bing, social media platforms like YouTube, and e-commerce sites like eBay and Etsy. Keywords Everywhere provides the data you need, regardless of the platform.

    Their extension provides keyword data like monthly search volume, cost per click, trend data, and Adwords competition. Keywords Everywhere’s extension provides data about the top 20 Google search results, like the top 5,000 keywords and their estimated traffic. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Keywords Everywhere is a handy tool that provides the ability to pull volume metrics for Related keywords and People Also Search For sections of Google search results. This allows you to use keywords differently compared to most and will allow you to stay ahead of trends, giving you a competitive advantage.

    Click here to get started with Keywords Everywhere for free today.

    7. Wordtracker

    What sets Wordtracker apart from other free keyword research tools is its ability to provide more than just keyword data. Their proprietary search technology can provide your competitors’ keywords, Google data, and in-depth PPC and SEO insights. 

    Wordtracker can provide keyword search results from multiple platforms like YouTube, Amazon, Google, and their database. Their search results provide search trends, competition metrics, SERP comparison, anchor and title, and similar keywords. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Wordtracker has two additional tools, the inspect tool and the niche explorer, that will give you a competitive advantage. The inspect tool gives you a candid look at your competitors’ keywords. The niche explorer tool will help you recognize keyword trends before anyone else.

    Click here to get started with Wordtracker for free today.


    8. SpyFu

    SpyFu isn’t just a free keyword search tool. Instead, it provides a full suite of tools that allows you to manage your marketing and view everything about your competitors. It provides everything you need to get started and to track and build reports.

    SpyFu provides keyword metrics like monthly volume, estimated clicks, cost per click, questions, and SERP analysis for desktop and mobile platforms. An elegant feature of SpyFu is the ability to view the ranking history of a particular keyword, its related keywords, and top domains going back for years.

    Other Features We Liked

    SpyFu has one of the easiest web interfaces to navigate and contains all of its tools in tabs, which saves time and energy. Their data is straightforward to read, as it is broken down into individual tables containing meters that let you know at a glance how strong a keyword is.

    Click here to get started with SpyFu for free today.


    9. Keyword Explorer from Moz

    Moz’s goal with Keyword Explorer is to provide an easy-to-use tool to help you generate the most qualified website traffic possible. Their tools take all of the analysis out of your hands so you can focus on the job. Their tool will provide 500 million keyword suggestions, 180 million new ranking keywords, and 170 Google search engines. 

    Keyword Explorer provides information like keyword volume with 95% accuracy, long-tail keywords, keyword difficulty, SERP analysis, and competitive analysis. Moz provides tools like rich exporting abilities so that you can harness their data for any of your needs. 

    Other Features We Liked

    Moz has a free Chrome extension called MozBar that provides real-time SEO metrics for any search results or website you are browsing. This means you don’t have to spend all your time in Moz’s dashboard to find the best results.

    Click here to get started with Keyword Explorer from Moz for free today.

    keyword tool

    10. Keyword Tool

    Companies like Grammarly, Zillow, Uber, Zendesk, Adobe, Danone, and Shopify trust Keyword Tool, so you know it will work for your business. Keyword Tool works by using Google Autocomplete to generate its keyword suggestions. This means the results will match the watch search users are searching for. They have a 99.99% accuracy guarantee.

    Keyword Tools pulls its results from 192 Google domains and 83 Google language interfaces, which means the results will only be relevant to the country and language your content was created for. This makes managing multiple clients around the world much easier.

    Other Features We Liked

    Keyword Tool’s free version and its features are not limited or locked by a paywall. The results obtained from the free version are better than most paid services. The company behind Keyword Tool does offer a pro version of this tool, but we don’t believe you will need it.

    Click here to get started with Keyword Tool for free today.


    11. WordStream Keyword Tool

    WordStream is an award-winning company and a Google Premier Partner, so you know they are experts with all things SEO. Their tool allows you to search for a keyword, conduct research, and prioritize the best results. It provides the tools to put these newfound keywords to work for your needs. 

    This tool provides keyword data and metrics: long-tail, phrases, negative, meta, PPC, SEO, popular, Google Ads, and niche keywords. 

    WordStream Keyword Tool specializes in providing data for organic or paid website traffic. It also provides industry-specific keywords spanning multiple countries and languages. No matter your needs, their tool will provide the necessary data to succeed.

    Other Features We Liked

    Since WordStream is a Google Premier Partner, their tool is connected directly to Google’s API, so the results are verified, credible, and reliable. This is a feature that other free keyword research tools on this list cannot claim.

    Click here to get started with WordStream Keyword Tool for free today.

    Final Thoughts 

    We live in a digital age that requires you to stay up to date with SEO practices at all times; otherwise, you will lose valuable traffic and, ultimately, money. Whether you manage multiple clients or want to improve your business, these 11 free keyword research tools are the best available on the market. They provide a competitive edge and will significantly improve your SEO footprint.

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Gu:if(To(e,n),o=e.lastSuspendedTime,n===o&&(e.nextKnownPendingLevel=ro(a)),ss&&(a=e.lastPingedTime,0===a||a>=n)){e.lastPingedTime=n,Kr(e,n);break}if(a=Br(e),0!==a&&a!==n)break;if(0!==o&&o!==n){e.lastPingedTime=o;break}if(1073741823!==is?o=10*(1073741821-is)-ru():1073741823===as?o=0:(o=10*(1073741821-as)-5e3,a=ru(),n=10*(1073741821-n)-a,o=a-o,0>o&&(o=0),o=(120>o?120:480>o?480:1080>o?1080:1920>o?1920:3e3>o?3e3:4320>o?4320:1960*Uu(o/1960))-o,n=o?o=0:(a=0|l.busyDelayMs,i=ru()-(10*(1073741821-i)-(0|l.timeoutMs||5e3)),o=i<=a?0:a+o-i),10 component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display."+N(i))}rs!==Zu&&(rs=Xu),l=yr(l,i),f=a;do{switch(f.tag){case 3:u=l,f.effectTag|=4096,f.expirationTime=t;var w=Ar(f,u,t);ln(f,w); break e;case 1:u=l;var E=f.type,k=f.stateNode;if(0===(64&f.effectTag)&&("function"==typeof E.getDerivedStateFromError||null!==k&&"function"==typeof k.componentDidCatch&&(null===ms||!ms.has(k)))){f.effectTag|=4096,f.expirationTime=t;var 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Co(e,t){t>e.firstPendingTime&&(e.firstPendingTime=t);var n=e.firstSuspendedTime;0!==n&&(t>=n?e.firstSuspendedTime=e.lastSuspendedTime=e.nextKnownPendingLevel=0:t>=e.lastSuspendedTime&&(e.lastSuspendedTime=t+1),t>e.nextKnownPendingLevel&&(e.nextKnownPendingLevel=t))}function No(e,t){var n=e.lastExpiredTime;(0===n||n>t)&&(e.lastExpiredTime=t)}function Po(e,t,n,o){var a=t.current,i=Fr(),l=su.suspense;i=jr(i,a,l);e:if(n){n=n._reactInternalFiber;t:{if(J(n)!==n||1!==n.tag)throw Error(r(170));var u=n;do{switch(u.tag){case 3:u=u.stateNode.context;break t;case 1:if(It(u.type)){u=u.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;break t}}u=u.return}while(null!==u);throw Error(r(171))}if(1===n.tag){var s=n.type;if(It(s)){n=Dt(n,s,u);break e}}n=u}else n=Al;return null===t.context?t.context=n:t.pendingContext=n,t=on(i,l),t.payload={element:e},o=void 0===o?null:o,null!==o&&(t.callback=o),an(a,t),Dr(a,i),i}function Oo(e){if(e=e.current,!e.child)return null;switch(e.child.tag){case 5:return e.child.stateNode;default:return e.child.stateNode}}function Ro(e,t){e=e.memoizedState,null!==e&&null!==e.dehydrated&&e.retryTime